
1. III
encourage smth., smb. encourage farming (commerce, home industries, production, a natural growth, the growth of plants, natural feeling, a desire for good relations with other countries, etc.) способствовать развитию сельского хозяйства и т.д.; they encourage criticism они поощряют /приветствуют/ критику; encourage good manners (modesty, a sense of duty, etc.) прививать хорошие манеры и т.д., encourage new workers поощрять новых рабочих
2. VII
encourage smb. to do smth. encourage smb. to study (to work harder. to go ahead and do better, etc.) пробудить в ком-л. желание /побудить кого-л./ заниматься и т.д.; поддерживать кого-л. в стремлении /в ком-л. стремление/ заниматься и т.д.; my success encourages me to repeat the experiment успех вселяет в меня желание повторить эксперимент;
3. XI
be (feel, get) encouraged by smth. he was (felt, got) encouraged by the progress he had made (by their success, by this example, by these words, by the good record, etc.) успехи, которых он достиг /собственные успехи/ и т.д. приободрили его /вселили в него уверенность/; I was encouraged by it это придало мне уверенности; be encouraged if encouraged he will do wonders если его похвалить, он может делать чудеса; feel encouraged at some time do you feel more. encouraged now? вы теперь чувствуете себя более уверенным?
4. XXI1
encourage smb. by /with/ smth. encourage smb. by one's example (with a stirring speech, with a promise, with good advice, etc.) увлечь /воодушевить/ кого-л. собственным примером и т.д.; encourage smb. in smth. encourage a boy in his studies (a man in his efforts to improve, etc.) поощрять мальчика в его занятиях и т.д.; don't encourage him in his idle ways не потворствуйте его безделью; encourage smb. to smth. encourage smb. to hostility подстрекать кого-л. к враждебным действиям
encourage smth., smb. by doing smth. encourage his efforts by setting a good example (her curiosity by being secretive, his desire to do smth. by being frank, etc.) поощрять его усилия, подавая хороший пример и т.д.; don't encourage her laziness by doing things for her не делай за нее ничего, не потворствуй ее лени; encourage her by being affectionate подбодрить ее лаской

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "encourage" в других словарях:

  • encourage — 1 Encourage, inspirit, hearten, embolden, cheer, nerve, steel mean to fill with courage or strength of purpose especially in preparation for a hard task or purpose. Encourage in its basic and still common sense implies the raising of confidence… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • encouragé — encouragé, ée (an kou ra jé, jée) part. passé. À qui du courage a été inspiré. Encouragé par ces paroles. La troupe encouragée par l exemple du chef marcha en avant …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • encourage — [v1] stimulate spiritually animate, applaud, boost, brighten, buck up*, buoy, cheer, cheer up, comfort, console, embolden, energize, enhearten, enliven, excite, exhilarate, fortify, galvanize, give shot in arm*, gladden, goad, hearten, incite,… …   New thesaurus

  • Encourage — En*cour age (?; 48), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Encouraged} (?; 48); p. pr. & vb. n. {Encouraging}.] [F. encourager; pref. en (L. in) + courage courage. See {Courage}.] To give courage to; to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope; to raise, or to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • encourage — I verb back, back up, boost, embolden, endorse, hearten, inspire, support II index abet, assure (give confidence to), coax, conduce, contribute (assist) …   Law dictionary

  • encourage — early 15c., from O.Fr. encoragier make strong, hearten, from en make, put in (see EN (Cf. en ) (1)) + corage (see COURAGE (Cf. courage)). Related: Encouraged; encouraging …   Etymology dictionary

  • encouragé — Encouragé, [encourag]ée. part. pass. Il a mesme signification que son verbe …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • encourage — ► VERB 1) give support, confidence, or hope to. 2) help or stimulate the development of. DERIVATIVES encouragement noun encourager noun encouraging adjective. ORIGIN French encourager, from corage courage …   English terms dictionary

  • encourage — [en kʉr′ij, inkʉr′ij] vt. encouraged, encouraging [ME encouragen < OFr encoragier: see EN 1 & COURAGE] 1. to give courage, hope, or confidence to; embolden; hearten 2. to give support to; be favorable to; foster; help …   English World dictionary

  • encourage */*/*/ — UK [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ] / US verb [transitive] Word forms encourage : present tense I/you/we/they encourage he/she/it encourages present participle encouraging past tense encouraged past participle encouraged 1) to suggest that someone does something that …   English dictionary

  • encourage — verb ADVERB ▪ greatly, highly (AmE), strongly ▪ We were greatly encouraged by the support we received. ▪ Speaking your mind is highly encouraged at these sessions. ▪ especially …   Collocations dictionary

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